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Hello, John Doe  |   Logout

John Doe  >  Account Details
Account: 20025

Invoice delivery by email   How would you like invoices sent to you?




Paper (snail) mail

to: 400 Healthy Way

     Chicago, IL 60645

     If you need to change your mailing address,

     contact us at (847) 555-1234, Mon-Fri 9am-5pm.


 -- and/or -- 


Balance due *

$ 986.09

* Balance Due is the total amount of all open or unpaid invoices.  It does not reflect recent purchases or recent payments.

Payment methods   You can add/edit credit cards (and eChecks).  Do this when your credit card expires or you get a new card.

Current payment method:

Credit card: VISA 4151

Name: John Doe

Expiration: 2/2017

Edit > 

Delete > 

Password reset

Current password

New password

Confirm new password


Patient accounts  These are the patients connected to your login.  You can add other family members here, for example.

Patient: John Doe

Patient account #: 20025


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